Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good morning starshine, the earth says hello.

It is... One minute to midnight. And I'm still on the computer, when I really should be a) sleeping, b) finishing my comic strip for the school newspaper or c) doing something slightly more productive.

Ah well.

I just discovered how to do blogs from Microsoft Word, and I have to say, I'm very impressed. The phrase "HOW COOL!" springs to mind, but we'll gloss over that for now.

One minute past midnight now.

I quite like this new way of blogging; it saves having to get the Internet up, and is so much less hassle. And now I'm even happier because the Dirty Dancing song just came on my WMP. (Now with passion in our eyes, there's no way we could disguise, it's you and me). I love that film, mainly because of Patrick Swayze (isn't that why everyone loves it?), and just the big ol' heart in it. I love the dancing, too (I've recently got watching Strictly Come Dancing again, and am again kindling fantasies of taking up ballroom dancing), especially the finale. Has anyone else noticed, how reminiscent of the Lion King it is when he lifts her up at the end, all cute and protective, but showing her off to the world? I thought that was rather sweet, but I'm just a bit sentimental.

So it's now four minutes past midnight, and I'm going to go now. The Five Minute blog- perhaps a new idea?

Anyways. Peace out scouts.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The One With the Suckish Week

it's been a particulary suckish week.
not that anyone cares..because i don't know anyone who reads this except me.
but ya know.
it's the thought that counts.
people haven't been all they seemed recently. i didn't realise people i thought were really nice...could be so mean.
but i suppose that's how we grow right? you spend a couple of months thinking it couldn't get better, and then bam. there's all these couples & people changing & it's just.. I dunno. I guess I miss when we were all so innocent & just kids. it was a little easier then, in year 9 & 10. we didn't have the whole of our futures resting on just a dozen silly exams. which btw, if we fail, means we can't get into sixth form. which means no a levels. which means no university. which means no job.
& not only that. but it seems every guy I even start to like falls in love with someone who's
a) prettier
b) more confident
c) more popular
or d) & most annoying all of them.
which isn't their fault I know. but it'd be nice for a guy to look at me for a change & think wow. because I don't think that's ever happened. like, ever.
I think..you get a reputation from middle school & when you're younger. that's what I'd like to blame it on, though I know it's because of all my faults which I won't go into. I don't want to get more depressed.
but sometimes I just think maybe I should have done this, or this.. & then they wouldn't ignore me quite so much.
and because i'm meant to be the happy one
I don't want to tell anyone any of this. because i'm scared that then I won't quite fit in anymore- everyone has their place. i'm the little innocent quiet happy one. & i like that. i like when my friends look out for me that little bit more. i like when the boys pick me up, as much as i tell them i don't. it makes me feel like I matter, & just reassures me that i'm not turning invisible. but because i'm so "quiet" no one hears me when I speak.. so i have to poke or hit people to even get them to notice me. which is kinda suckish. & i want so much to tell people who mean a lot to me just how much they do, like how when I see them I feel that little bit safer, or get a little fuzzy feeling of happiness inside by being around people I care about. i know if I do say it, it'll come out totally wrong & i'll look like a complete & utter idiot. more than usual i mean, when i'm not falling over or feeling awkward or not saying something when i should, or daydreaming in class so i don't know what's happening.
i wish i could stick up for people when i want to & not be afraid. i hate that.
so. i think maybe i'd just like to find a guy who listens to me. & could maybe tell when i want to talk but can't, & just understand that & not think i'm being moody. anyone? just someone nice would be perfectly perfect. there's 6 billion people on this planet, that's makes about 3 billion guys. one of them's gotta be right for me.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The One With The BFF Survey :]

you and your best friend...pretty much sisters?
what is her name:cazzy
is she older than you:no...i'm 2 weeks older mwahahaha.
what is the color of her hair:dark dark brown.
what is her eye color:greeen.
when is her birthday:8th July
what is her favorite color:green
what is her favorite food or candy:pizza...& curries.
who is her favorite singer:kelly clarkson?
what is ur favorite memory with u guys together:our sleepovers! & hp hyperness XD
what is ur song if you have one:ooh.. um.. thousand miles by vanessa carlton
what is ur nick names for her:cazzy, caz, cazzy the cat, kitkat
what is her nick name for u:fi, fizzy, fizzy the flamingo
what do u have in common:we're both *very* random.. we both love hp...we both like purple..we do random little things & then realise we both did it, 300 odd miles apart..
why r u Best Friends:because she is awesome :] because she makes me smile :] because we have lots of things in common.. & we have lots of fun :]
what do u love most about her:her randomness & honesty
what does she mean to u:lots & lots & lots
do u get along all the time:yiss most of the time apart from pretend fights lol
have u ever fought:don't think so.. *touch wood*
can u tell her anything:yis :]
do u:we talk randomnesss teehee
can she tell you anything:i hope so :]
does she:again, randomness is our middle name..
is she a good listener:yes, very
can u confide in her about anything:yiip
do u laugh together for no reason at all:haha frequently
do u know what she is going to say before she says it:hm yis sometimes..we have our psychic moments..
do u finish her sentences or would know how to:hmm sometimes
can she make u laugh when ur sad:yes :]
did u ever go on vacation together:sort of... cardiff baby :D :D
have u been out of the state with them:well.. i went to wales & met her there! that was sooooo much fun :]
did u ever have a falling out or get into a fight:noooo... *touch wood*
do u stay mad at each other for a long time or have u ever been mad at her:nooope
describe ur Best Friend in 4 words:random. happy. caring. friendly.
put a word for each letter in her name:crazy. awesome. rad. yeah baby. smart.
will u 2 stay Best Friends Forever:i really hope so <3>
will anyone ever come between you like an old friend:i hope not
has anyone ever come between you:nooo
whats you biggest fear towards them even if u know it wouldnt come true:um.. idk what you mean lol
how often do u guys hang out and where:not that often... :( but when we meet up, we're superglued :]
what do u do when u hang out:watch movies.. play sims 2... talk random stuff.
have u been to their house:yip
have they been to yours:yip
have u meet their parents:yip
have they met ur parents:yip
how many times a week do u talk to them:bout once a week at least
how many times have u stayed the night before:? we've stayed round each other lots
have u stayed there more than anywhere else:probably
do u like her family and friends:yeah, they're really nice :]
does she like ur family and friends:yes :] i think :P
have u ever slept in the same bed as them:not really lol.. haha we made a tent in the living room though! that was fun!
why do u like stayin the night with her:because we stay up late reading magazines, eating sweeties & talking :]
do u like their house:yeaaaah tis cooool
do u have them in ur contat list in ur cell:yuuup
does she have u in hers:yuuup
what do u usally talk about when you talk to them:um. anything! from jane eyre to salami to llamas to cheese to mean people to crushes to books... it's all good!
can u wear her shoes :):hmm what size shoe are you caz?
do u guys know something no one else does about each others:probablyy
do u love her:platonicallyyy :] she's my cazzy the cat
does she love u:i hope so, platonically... i'm her fizzy the flamingo
could u live with her with out fighting:yupyup
if u got the chance would u move in:aww yeah that'd be soo coool! we should so do that & go to the same uni :]
what is the funnest thing u guys have done:photobooth time! hp-related incidents when we were younger lol..ooooh our fabulous puppet show cazzy! haha.
r u guys shopping buddies:yisums
where do u usaully shop:anywhere with a photobooth ;)
have u ever lied to her:nooope
has she ever lied to u:i don't think so :]
do u know something about her no one else does:if i told you that..i'd have to kill you! mwahahaha.
what is it:...
does she wear glasses:yisums.
how many friends does she have:lots :] her school mates sound cool.
have u ever met any of them:nopee..
whats her favorite word:cheese!
if u could choose someone else as a best friend would you:NOOOO! NEVER!!!! *grrrr* back away from my cazzy!
how much do u care about her:LOTS <3>
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The One With the Love


my family; my mommy, my dad, my nan & my grandma aka the most awesome people you will ever meet. my heroes.

the guy who's like my big brother. he looks after me & i love him for that.

the girls who are like my big sisters.
between the three of them they keep me safe & (vaguely) sane. *love love love*

the girls who are like my longlost quintuplets. one's in wales & i miss her soooo much :( . one always knows how to make me laugh. one gives the greatest hugs. one is my fellow superhero!

the girls who are like my little sisters
. i love looking out for you three, just like you always look out for me. one's my musical maestro. one's my *wicked* gurl, one's my oompaloompa buddy.

the guys & girls who are like my cousins. the guys make me smile, we fight a lot, but in a good way. the girls, i don't know you that well, but i love talking to all of you.

and many more people I meet everyday. I love you all lots. & lots.

If you don't know who any of those people up there are... here are the initials. just so you don't lose any sleep over it. :P

#1: C
#2: D, S, V
#3: C, K, L, J
#4: B, J, S
#5: S, T, A, L, C, J. E, R, D.

I love all of these people! They make everyday that little bit more special. xxxxxxxxxxx

So this is my pre-Valentine's blog post. As one of my friends has in her MSN name: Valentine's day: it's about the people you love. True? I think so.