Thursday, March 29, 2007

The One With The BFF Survey :]

you and your best friend...pretty much sisters?
what is her name:cazzy
is she older than you:no...i'm 2 weeks older mwahahaha.
what is the color of her hair:dark dark brown.
what is her eye color:greeen.
when is her birthday:8th July
what is her favorite color:green
what is her favorite food or candy:pizza...& curries.
who is her favorite singer:kelly clarkson?
what is ur favorite memory with u guys together:our sleepovers! & hp hyperness XD
what is ur song if you have one:ooh.. um.. thousand miles by vanessa carlton
what is ur nick names for her:cazzy, caz, cazzy the cat, kitkat
what is her nick name for u:fi, fizzy, fizzy the flamingo
what do u have in common:we're both *very* random.. we both love hp...we both like purple..we do random little things & then realise we both did it, 300 odd miles apart..
why r u Best Friends:because she is awesome :] because she makes me smile :] because we have lots of things in common.. & we have lots of fun :]
what do u love most about her:her randomness & honesty
what does she mean to u:lots & lots & lots
do u get along all the time:yiss most of the time apart from pretend fights lol
have u ever fought:don't think so.. *touch wood*
can u tell her anything:yis :]
do u:we talk randomnesss teehee
can she tell you anything:i hope so :]
does she:again, randomness is our middle name..
is she a good listener:yes, very
can u confide in her about anything:yiip
do u laugh together for no reason at all:haha frequently
do u know what she is going to say before she says it:hm yis sometimes..we have our psychic moments..
do u finish her sentences or would know how to:hmm sometimes
can she make u laugh when ur sad:yes :]
did u ever go on vacation together:sort of... cardiff baby :D :D
have u been out of the state with them:well.. i went to wales & met her there! that was sooooo much fun :]
did u ever have a falling out or get into a fight:noooo... *touch wood*
do u stay mad at each other for a long time or have u ever been mad at her:nooope
describe ur Best Friend in 4 words:random. happy. caring. friendly.
put a word for each letter in her name:crazy. awesome. rad. yeah baby. smart.
will u 2 stay Best Friends Forever:i really hope so <3>
will anyone ever come between you like an old friend:i hope not
has anyone ever come between you:nooo
whats you biggest fear towards them even if u know it wouldnt come true:um.. idk what you mean lol
how often do u guys hang out and where:not that often... :( but when we meet up, we're superglued :]
what do u do when u hang out:watch movies.. play sims 2... talk random stuff.
have u been to their house:yip
have they been to yours:yip
have u meet their parents:yip
have they met ur parents:yip
how many times a week do u talk to them:bout once a week at least
how many times have u stayed the night before:? we've stayed round each other lots
have u stayed there more than anywhere else:probably
do u like her family and friends:yeah, they're really nice :]
does she like ur family and friends:yes :] i think :P
have u ever slept in the same bed as them:not really lol.. haha we made a tent in the living room though! that was fun!
why do u like stayin the night with her:because we stay up late reading magazines, eating sweeties & talking :]
do u like their house:yeaaaah tis cooool
do u have them in ur contat list in ur cell:yuuup
does she have u in hers:yuuup
what do u usally talk about when you talk to them:um. anything! from jane eyre to salami to llamas to cheese to mean people to crushes to books... it's all good!
can u wear her shoes :):hmm what size shoe are you caz?
do u guys know something no one else does about each others:probablyy
do u love her:platonicallyyy :] she's my cazzy the cat
does she love u:i hope so, platonically... i'm her fizzy the flamingo
could u live with her with out fighting:yupyup
if u got the chance would u move in:aww yeah that'd be soo coool! we should so do that & go to the same uni :]
what is the funnest thing u guys have done:photobooth time! hp-related incidents when we were younger lol..ooooh our fabulous puppet show cazzy! haha.
r u guys shopping buddies:yisums
where do u usaully shop:anywhere with a photobooth ;)
have u ever lied to her:nooope
has she ever lied to u:i don't think so :]
do u know something about her no one else does:if i told you that..i'd have to kill you! mwahahaha.
what is it:...
does she wear glasses:yisums.
how many friends does she have:lots :] her school mates sound cool.
have u ever met any of them:nopee..
whats her favorite word:cheese!
if u could choose someone else as a best friend would you:NOOOO! NEVER!!!! *grrrr* back away from my cazzy!
how much do u care about her:LOTS <3>
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