Friday, December 1, 2006

The One With the Exams...

Ahhh.... just had four mock exams in three days, and I'm so worn out... Only French, History & Art left now though *dances*.. I don't see why everyone is complaining about the art exam, we get to sit and paint/draw/make sculptures for 2 whole days!!! :D :D :D :D I'm so happy about that hehe, s'the only exam I think I might actually ever like... Apart from the whole pressure side of things, that still kinda sucks.. If we don't do well in our mocks we're gonna get put in for foundation papers in the real GCSEs, which means we can't get higher than C's/D's so we can't get into the second year of sixth form :( *fingers crossed* I hope everything's ok for everyone, and that everyone gets the grades they want.

I can't believe how fast this year has gone, I mean this time last year me, Coomber & Danni had began our cold, rainy, wet, unbelievably awesome winter, Katie had just arrived at our school, we were planning our fantastic iceskating trip and we were all sorting out our secret santa... And in 6 months that's it, we're done with school... No more uniforms. No more queuing in the dinner line. No more lessons. New class! New clothes! (what we want!!) New sixth form area! It's gonna be so different.. Plus our school's prom is in about 5/6 months... *aaaaa* I think there's just been so much hype bout it everyone's gonna get kinda stressed out bout everything... but we'll soldier through I'm sure :P .

Much love, Bambi xx

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