Friday, December 1, 2006

The One in The Beginning...

Well hello there... this is my first proper blog, & I'm gonna try and keep this going unlike my livejournal one & many others... My name's Fi, I'm 15 years old & I live in sunny (ha!) Britain, by the sea! I just love doing random little things, like wearing beads as bracelets and dancing in the rain, and just going a bit mad with my mates. I love our random lil talks that sort out the world, and being the "little one" out of us, it makes me feel like I have a place & just love them all even more than I already do. The best thing someone could do for me is either buy me a llama or give me a hug, do either of those and you're instantly a star in my eyes :) . Talking of stars, shooting stars are gorgeous, and I'm constantly drawing hearts & stars all over my work... Fear the days when I don't have art, I will draw on anything I can find! Currently I'm attempting to draw a Santa on a rooftop... s'not really working but ah well, I'll get there in the end... Anyways, bibi for now, it's getting rather late & I really should try & get an early night for once... See ya xx

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